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Then later a roadrunner huddled on top of a rock, not quite perched but resting, waiting. In the huddle, its neck had been recalled into its body which left, as I viewed it from the front, the plump, round body of a bird that in such a pose looked more like a grouse or a large dove, its long and energetic legs also somehow stored away.
Growing up in South Korea, I vividly remember my family setting up a temporary shrine in the master bedroom once a year for the Lunar New Year. Especially vivid are my memories of my grandmother screaming at everyone—all the living people, that is—to get out of that room…
Since I left Cuba, Manhattan is the only place where I feel at home. The imperial splendor of La Habana―a city where time stands still since its revolutionary takeover of 1959―resonates effortlessly in Manhattan.
I am watching pipits as they sip from the exposed terminal end of a thin black plastic tube carrying water along an irrigation network serving the plants of a backyard desert landscape…
“I don't believe in a Platonic chair; a single stool upon which one might perch perfectly. I own a book called 1,000 Chairs which I peruse for fun from time to time. Given that I really don't even have room for any more chairs, why would I still look?”
Looking for new tv/movies to watch on streaming sites? We got you! Check out our list for August 2023.

Subscribe to Advanced Leisure + Divagations: Literary Journal
“Three university philosphy professors provide analysis of each and every Coen brothers film, in chronological order.”
No Podcast for Old Men is available for downloads on Spotify + Apple Podcasts.
Daisy will teach an online, mostly asynchronous workshop in "Writing the Political Poem" for the Fine Arts Work Center's 24 Pearl Street during election week (November 4 to November 8, 2024). Click to learn more about the event! There are still a few more spots available.
Congratulations, Troy for getting the shout-out from BAP (https://blog.bestamericanpoetry.com/the_best_american_poetry/) for the week of August 18th, 2024.
We finally have a (in-person) poetry reading event on September 20th! If you are in the St. Louis area, please join us for an evening of poetry with Aaron Belz and Troy Jollimore.
Cal Freeman, our amazingly talented writer/contributor for the Music and Travel section of Advanced Leisure.com has a new book Yelping the Tegmine now available for purchase. Click HERE to read more…
A new poem by Wayne Miller—who will be featured in our upcoming issue of Divagations— was published on Verse Daily.
Please join us in congratulating Kevin Prufer, whose wonderful book of poetry, The Fears won the UNT Rilke Prize. Read more HERE…
My wife would see the bird by itself, that bird always by itself. And she’d say, “Look, a gray heron.” I’d see the bird she was talking about. Maybe we’d be driving down the long driveway that leads to my parents’ house, which sits on a lake, and the bird would be standing watch on the point, looking out at the flatness of the water, keeping a vigil unto itself….