Advanced Leisure Team
Troy Jollimore
TROY JOLLIMORE is the author of Earthly Delights and three other books of poetry. His first poetry collection, Tom Thomson in Purgatory, won the National Book Critics Circle Award for 2007. He earned his PhD in Philosophy from Princeton University and has authored three philosophical books: Friendship and Agent-Relative Morality, Love’s Vision, and On Loyalty. His poems have appeared in the New Yorker, Poetry, The Believer, McSweeney’s, and Best American Poetry 2020. He has been the recipient of fellowships from the Stanford Humanities Center the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Guggenheim Foundation. He has also authored or edited four books of philosophy, including Love’s Vision and On Loyalty.
Troy's new book, The Virtue of Loyalty, can be purchased here.
James Moog
JAMES MOOG is a poet, writer and a visual artist based in St. Louis, MO. As a writer, James' career trajectory is certainly an uncommon one; after 7 years working as a researcher reporting on hedge fund managers, he made a career change and decided to do what he enjoys most: making art and reading books.
Maybe it was the pandemic, but James was able to stay productive as a writer and presented his first academic paper, "Heretics and Search for Freedom," based on Leonardo Pedura's novel, Heretics. James thanks his mentor Professor Joseph "Pepe" Schraibman for this achievement!
Currently, James is a student of Professor Troy Jollimore, who just published Earthly Delights.
James’ art works have been featured in several shows at the Saint Louis Artists’ Guild and you can follow him on Instagram @jbmoog.
Emily Choi
EMILY CHOI is a food enthusiast, writer, and artist. Emily is also the website administrator.. As a native of South Korea, Emily spent most of her childhood in Seoul where she learned about “authentic” Korean food as well as the cultural significance of certain dishes and ingredients.
After moving to the U.S. in the late 2000s, she has been focusing on reading and researching food history across the globe. Right now, she is mostly intrigued by three different variations/preparations for bulgogi (sweet marinated beef) found in South Korea.
You can follow Emily’s food Instagram account @emilyelizachoi for more pictures!
Our Contributors
Cal Freeman
CAL FREEMAN is the music editor of The Museum of Americana: A Literary Review and author of the books Fight Songs (Eyewear 2017) and Poolside at the Dearborn Inn (R&R Press 2022). His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in many journals including Image, The Poetry Review, Verse Daily, Under a Warm Green Linden, North American Review, The Moth, Oxford American, River Styx, and Hippocampus. His poems have been anthologized in The Poet's Quest for God (Eyewear 2016), RESPECT: The Poetry of Detroit Music (Michigan State University Press 2020), I Wanna Be Loved By You: Poems On Marilyn Monroe (Milk & Cake Press 2021), What Things Cost: An Anthology for the People (University Press Kentucky 2022), and Beyond the Frame (Diode Editions 2023). He is a recipient of the Devine Poetry Fellowship (judged by Terrance Hayes), winner of Passages North's Neutrino Prize, and a finalist for the River Styx International Poetry Prize. Born and raised in Detroit, he teaches at Oakland University and serves as Writer-In-Residence with InsideOut Literary Arts Detroit. Finishing Line Press published his chapbook of poems, Yelping the Tegmine, in June of 2024. You can order Yelping the Tegmine here.
*The original photo credit goes to Shadia Amen. We ended up cropping some edges to stay consistent with other authors’ images.
John Randall
JOHN RANDALL has worked as a trash collector, a copy editor, an attorney, and a stockbroker. His interests include firewood, the night sky, and the freedom of speech. His poetry has appeared in Atlanta Review, DMQ Review, and Paperbark. He received a Pushcart nomination in 2023.