Photo Gallery: Birds Around the World
“Crows are NOT bad birds! They are actually quite nice. Magpies are the nasty ones who bully all the migratory birds!"
— Quote from a taxi driver (translated from Korean)
by Emily Choi

(Seoul) Every morning, rock pigeons gather to warm up in the sun. Their slumped backs straightened quickly when commuters accidentally dropped crumbs.

(Australia) He watched tourists getting off their buses. Thought he wasn't motivated by food until I saw him selectively approaching some based on food they had.

(Sydney) Seagulls are truly majestic creatures. They are always so much bigger than you think...not to mention, how smart they are.

(St. Louis) Some captive birds residing in the St. Louis Zoo had friendly eyes. Some will watch you closely as you walk by.

(Seoul) Rock pigeons roaming in the streets of Seoul love being social. They spent their time sitting together on these poles and wires.

(Gyeongju) A black-crowned night heron sat above everyone. Our local guide mentioned how he had seen this exact bird here before and said that this was his spot.

(St. Louis) Bruce loves peanuts. He often plopps down on a table and munchs on peanuts for 15 minutes straight. Local squirrels know about him & try arriving sooner.

(Australia) "City birds have their favorites! Like Oporto's Portuguese-style grilled chicken. Wait, is this wrong?" - Quote from my mother (translated from Korean)

(St. Louis) Old World burrowing owl seemed well-fed...sitting in its enclosure at the St. Louis zoo.

(Gyeongju) City birds are resourceful. Inside this tucked-away square on the exterior of a motel, four pigeons sat inside. (continues...)

(Gyeongju) Two adults kept themselves busy scavenging for food while two adolescent-looking children stayed inside. Here is the photo of one of the adult pigeons.

(Seoul) "Crows are NOT bad birds! They are actually quite nice. Magpies are the nasty ones who bully all the migratory birds!" - Quote from a taxi driver

(St. Louis) photo taken from the zoo

(St. Louis) A regular at Forest Park's Emerson Grand Basin, he's been at this exact location for at least 5 consecutive years during the spring/summer/early fall months.

(St. Louis) Two blue jays are loudly screaming at a mourning dove sitting by them.

(Busan) These Eurasian collared doves can be seen everywhere in any mountainous areas in South Korea.

(Seoul) These azure-winged magpies are known for their gorgeous blue wings/tails and glossy black heads. They have a loud, metallic-sounding voice, which is hard to miss!

(St. Louis) A male cardinal stars at the camera intensely.

(St. Louis) These ducks have so much personality! The black one in front demanded more ice from us--so they can cool off!
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Daisy will teach an online, mostly asynchronous workshop in "Writing the Political Poem" for the Fine Arts Work Center's 24 Pearl Street during election week (November 4 to November 8, 2024). Click to learn more about the event! There are still a few more spots available.
Congratulations, Troy for getting the shout-out from BAP ( for the week of August 18th, 2024.